Monday, July 12


When i saw this i was just totally in shock. I just can't believe what Patrick Mohr just did to stand out of all the designers @ the Berlin Fashion Week. I mean siriously.. look at yourself:
I think this isn't fashion anymore, he's gone a bigggggg mistake with doing this to his models! I also think models need to be afraid to walk one of his shows.. i'm curious whats next!


  1. Yes he's different than the others but those pic, are a kind off ugly :-)
    thank you for following, i follow you back :D

  2. Ziet er echt niet uit, ik zou niet graag in zo'n show lopen :). Veel kleren worden er ook niet getoond zo te zien, wat toch de bedoeling is van fashion week... Tja hij krijgt natuurlijk wel aandacht :)!

  3. wow...
    I actually really admire the model... she still managed to look very confident O_O

  4. Ah bah wat eng zeg.. Dat mensen dat er voor over hebben..

  5. Iell..!
    Scheer het dan maar af ofzoo


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