Tuesday, February 23

Lara Stone smoking before Chanel.

I just don't get the point with the 'mickey mouse' hair at Chanel.
I do love the creativity, and Chanel is growing (small steps but okay) regard the creativity, but why do they get their inspiration of Disney Land?
Couple years ago the designer Manish Arora has given a fashion show at the Indian Fashion Week. That was way WAY worse than this 'hair-thing' at Chanel.

''Anyway right now I'm going to drink my tea (because I have terrible problems with a sore throat, jippie) and then i'm going to watch Sven Kramer(iceskater) at 22 pm on the Dutch Television!''

1 comment:

  1. haha honey, what/how you write is great. I also didn't get the thing what was going on, on their head ! i'd looked kinda funny though! the grey lines made me think of that evil persone in the '101 dalmatiërs' haha!



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